
[FREE!] Neutral leg warmers for VRoid! Pack of 3 (Shoes NOT included)

Use on 'Pants'. Looks best with any sort of skirt! ε------------------------------------------3 Created with VRoid v1.19.0 Credit required please! Once you post your model in VRoid hub, link the booth item link to the model! ! You are allowed to do the following: Edit Use on a model use for Vtubing or VRchat ! You are NOT allowed to do the following: Make a downloadable model using this item claim as your own Repost

[FREE!] Neutral leg warmers for VRoid! Pack of 3 (Shoes NOT included)
[FREE!] Neutral leg warmers for VRoid! Pack of 3 (Shoes NOT included)
[FREE!] Neutral leg warmers for VRoid! Pack of 3 (Shoes NOT included)
[FREE!] Neutral leg warmers for VRoid! Pack of 3 (Shoes NOT included)
[FREE!] Neutral leg warmers for VRoid! Pack of 3 (Shoes NOT included)
Use on 'Pants'. Looks best with any sort of skirt! ε------------------------------------------3 Created with VRoid v1.19.0 Credit required please! Once you post your model in VRoid hub, link the booth item link to the model! ! You are allowed to do the following: Edit Use on a model use for Vtubing or VRchat ! You are NOT allowed to do the following: Make a downloadable model using this item claim as your own Repost